Hospital Mário Penna is always based on the principles of safety when treating any patient, with the human being at the center of all care.
The Ministry of Health has a safety policy established through the PNSP (National Patient Safety Program – Ordinance GM/MS No. 529/2013) that guides some basic protocols – all of which are guidelines for the Mário Penna Institute’s hospital units.
Six protocols are adopted at Hospital Mário Penna as some of its guidelines:
- patient identification
- Pressure Injury Prevention
- Safety in drug administration
- safe surgery
- hand hygiene
- Fall prevention
These protocols guide measures to prevent the occurrence of care-related events that negatively impact the patient’s health. Its importance is to define concepts and behaviors that result in care based on patient safety.
The Hospital has implemented, in addition to the Guidelines for basic protocols, Institutional Guidelines (DI – Incident Notification Policy) and DI – Patient Safety Plan) which aim to ensure that the basic protocols are complied with and monitored – not to mention the Security Team of the Patient in the continuous search for safety and care improvements.